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Bullies are “psychologically” STRONG

















Bullies are driven by jealousy and envy and have an obsessive compulsion to torment and destroy anyone who is better than they are - which is most of the population. Bullies are weak, disordered, dysfunctional and emotionally immature as evidenced by their need to bully. Bullies compensate for their weakness with aggression.


What some people mistakenly see as "psychological strength" is really an aggressive determination to violate other people/'s
boundaries with no respect, no consideration of others, no thought of consequence, and an endless fund of specious excuses and rationalizations for their aggression.


A rationalization is an attempt for put a socially acceptable face on a socially unacceptable behaviour. Many adults are taken in by this deception and manipulation.
























Just one story - June 7, 2013

Prevention of bullying through Conflict Resolution.
“The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.”

When the brain comes into contact with a perceived threat, there are generally one of three outcomes:


  • If the threat is real, and the individual reacts to the threat properly, it's called a "hit."

  • If it is a genuine fear and I don't act, it's a miss.

  • If I act and it's not a genuine fear,'s a false alarm.


As it turns out, our brains may have evolved to avoid "misses."


In early human history, "the cost of a miss ... of not taking it seriously, could potentially be lethal." But the cost of a false alarm is much lower.  



The simple version of this idea ...Better safe than sorry.


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